Wednesday, December 24, 2008
My 2008 Journey...
One thing that I have learned over 2008 is that i am an extremely extremely impatient person as i for one can never stand the sight of someone being late for appointments..Though at times it may not be necessarily be their fault but yet I am unable to accept any reasons for their late arrival..Point to note for this coming year, to try my very best to be really patient. Many people, I admit have been subjected to my amazingly superb fits of anger as they were being just another `Malaysian'...
Manage to hold on to my resolution of 2008 for the first half of the year which is to study hard and earn at least a few credit points to my degree. But as usual, good resolutions will never last, and by the end of the 2nd half, I was basically procastinating like hell and was basically holiday-ing twice each month. My konon determine resolution to continue blogging seems to be dissapearing as we speak as its has been about 2months since I last wrote something....XD
A point to ponder, Should I take up a job with Low Pay or should I just continue studying despite the fact that I am aging and jobs are becoming really hard to find due to the economic downturn....
My Life is really messed up,
Monday, December 1, 2008
An Amazingly Fun DIC minus the Talks!!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Hot Springs to Ease the Mind, 14-Nov
Durwin, Teacher Jasmine, Samuel at Sungai Klah
The Ladies soaking their legs at one of the smaller pools
Boiling Egg!!Our Private Jacuzzi !!...RM50 so Well Worth IT
Pui Pui and Durwin relaxing for our final paper on Wednesday!!
The nicely decorated interior of our jacuzzi
Overall, this place is definitely worth going just to chill and relax...Eggs are being sold there as well and the price is quite reasonable (3 for RM1)....According to Pui Pui Ling, her exam went well and so did mine...Miracles of the Hot Springs of Sungai Klah??...Maybe, Who knows...
You Know You Want to Know,
Durwin Tan
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Johor oh Johor - Oct'08
Saturday, October 18, 2008
The Economy Turmoil !!
Some of you might wonder, how on earth did the world's economy took a hell of a beating in which seemingly at one point of time was growing at a steady pace. Or how did the subprime issue that emerged two years ago became one of the main factors that cause multiple international banks to close down? Well, many have argued that the economy turmoil today had its beginning when the issue of subprime mortgage emerge in year 2005 but I for one strongly believe that the economy downfall had its beginning instead in the aftermath of Sep 11 2001 attacks. Do allow me to elabortate, directly after the attack, the share market prices especially in the US plummeted down as consumers were in a state of gloom and there was a loss in confidence. The Federal Reserve (FR) decided that the only way to stimulate the economy once again was to offer a low-interest rate regime so as to get investors to borrow and spent. Before Sep 11, the FR discount rate (rates that Banks have to pay to borrow from FR) was approximately 3.7% with cost of fund for prime rate (a reference interest rate used by banks) was at 6.5%. By the year 2002, the discount rate was only a mere 1% and prime rate for loans was at 4%, and because it was so cheap to borrow, more banks were borrowing more from the FR so as to fund for their investments especially for housing.
And because it was so cheap to borrow, almost every bank lowered their requirement to borrow money so as to attract members of the public to take loans from their particular organization. Mortgages were given to those without good records meaning those with no employment nor any stable income. This policy adopted by all the banks lasted all the way to 2005 as by that very year, there was a steady rise in house prices and banks treated this houses as a very good collateral owing to the fact that in case of a foreclosure, the price of the house itself is much higher that the mortgage. In addition, at this point of time the world's economy appeared to have recover from the depression period during the attacks.
Unfortunately, inflation soar up high and by 2006, the FR could no longer sustain the low interest rates and had to increase their discount rate to about 5% and the prime rate to 8%. Do note that this was even higher than the rates before the attacks. This resulted in people having to pay for mortgage payments through their ass and many eventually had to forego their properties. Banks have no choice but to take away the houses and this created a slump in the market. By 2007, almost all banks who participated in the `low-interest rate borrowing' were facing difficulties and this includes one of the most prominent bank as well, CITIBANK. Most banks were seeking injections of funds so as to try save their buttocks from being rape by both shareholders and the public itself and that is only the initial stage. The property market kept on dropping and this eventually caused the Lehman Brothers as well as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (both are infleuntial primary organization for housing loans) to be in some real deep shit as well. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac had even packages their loans and resold them to buyers which include countries like China and Japan. Malaysia was obviously not one of them as we do not have the financial means nor the balls to take such risk. This is one of many few reasons that why our beloved country Malaysia was not affected as badly as other countries like New Zealand, Japan, China and etc. I guess it does pay to be poor at times huh......
Anyway, hope the information above help in gaining a better understanding of our current economy. Bad times are coming people but it is an EXCELLENT time to go shopping as things will eventually get cheaper to attract member of the public to spent. My prediction, HUGE ASS PRICE SLASHES by december.....Cheers people and do have a jolly good weekend...XOXO
You Know You Want to know,
Durwin Tan
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Top 10 Excuses to be(seriously) Entitled for a Half-Day Leave!!
No. 10 - Stomached
This has got to be the worse excuse in the entire world totally not desperate sounding nor creative but the thing is, employers today still buys this crap...If i was an employer and an employee comes up to me and ask for a Half-Day Leave becoz he has a stomached, hell, I would ask him to bring his damn lappy into the freaking toilet bowl and work from the toilet...Very risky and not worth getting screwed over for using such a lousy excuse..Not to mention the bad impression you might give to your current employer as well...
No. 9 - Migraine and Sore Throat
Yet, another classic excuse most frequently used by employees today. Why you may ask?? There is no bloody way for an employer to tell whether or not an employee is suffer from a sever migraine unless he or she is ineed really the world's lousiest actor. All you have to do is to constantly rub the sides of ur head multiple times while pretending to do your work and MAKE SURE your boss notices it. Chances are your boss will enquire how are you feeling and if he does, there is at least an 80% probability that you will get that half-day leave of yours..However, should your boss happens to be the meanest assholic bitch in the organization he or she wont even give a rats ass about it..Risky choice of excuse as well...
No. 8 - Need to Prepare for a Big Family Reunion Dinner
I would rate this excuse as fairly boleh tahan lar as it goes way back when we are just still little puny babies, that we are so often told to retain family values irregardless of what happens. Same goes to your employers, no matter how cruel they may be on the surface, somewhere deep deep down inside lies a human who cares for their family and usually places great emphasize on family reunions. Chances of your half day leave being approved is 50-50, and the probability of you getting your half-day leave increases by 30% if there happens to be a festival just around the corner.
No. 7 - School Open Day or Result Collection Day
A superb excuse for employees who work on a part time basis or employees who have kids studying in at least a primary school (Parents with kids studying in tadika are least likely able to apply for half day leave owing to the fact that you dont come across tadika's with HUGE open day or result collection day). Although at this moment we can consider ourselves as a tech-savy society, the majority of older people still believes that results are still printed on paper and students would have to collect themselves on that damn cursed day itself. This people will never realise that we, tertiary students have what we called the INTERNET and we dont necessarily have to collect the results on that day itself. But employees do beware, if your bosses are so freaking free and decides to call up your education organization, you can kiss your sorry ass goodbye...In addition, an employee is usally entitled to use this excuse only once half yearly...Heck, I am sure no one is dumb enough to use the same excuse 2 weeks later again...
No.6 - Personal Emergency
This excuse is in a way quite risky as employee usually uses this when they have no other alternatives. Personal emergency to a boss could mean anything under the sky from fatigue to an appointment with a beauty saloon to get your weekly pedicure, and most employers will doubt how emergency is `the' emergency. However, if executed in the right way your boss will never ever question you about it ever again. Firstly, act that you have something troubling in your mind and again make sure your boss notices it (should your table be place directly in front of your boss, EVEN BETTER, exaggerate your movements when working while taking pauses every few minutes). The moment you caught your boss taking a peep at you from their table, head on to the second step which is to walk over at a slow pace and make sure your facial expression spells `I AM TROUBLED'. Remember, there should be no hesitations when performing the above acts for your bosses are more than capable to read your body language in which will than put you in some serious shit!!
No. 5 - There is a Death in the Family
Unless you can remember all the deaths in your family, don't ever use this excuse for if you are caught, your employer will instantaneously lose all their trust in you. In addition, most employers would want their employees to produce a copy of the death certificate before allowing you to take leave. Yes, you can say that is a distant family that pass away thus is very awkward for you to ask a copy of their death cert, but this action will cast a shadow of doubt on the employers and ruined any possible chance of a promotion in the near future. I had once seen an employee at my workplace whose mother died TWICE, lucky for him he was an extremely good actor and he just told his employer that his father had 3 wives, 2 Divorce and his actual Mum. Note that he said 3 wives instead of 2, so that he entitled to take another half-day leave if his last mum were to perished...God Bless Him for being so spontaneous.
This excuse will definitely work as the last thing an employer needs is for his employer to be sick for more than a day. They will rather have you rest half a day than allow you to take a week off due to sickness, they simply just cant afford to have work piling up as should there be any complain it is their head on the chopping block. Although extremely effective, try not to overuse it as if you do, employers are more than happy to terminate you as they are running on a deficit having you around...Imagine being paid full day when you only work half day...
A superb excuse to totally catch employers offguard and an almost definite guarantee of a half day leave. Ask yourself, how many times have you actually heard the phrase `My girlfriend is pregnant' being spoken out in our society today. I would say approximately 90% of us have never encountered this situation before and I have yet to get to the second part of the phrase yet. The best part about this excuse, you dont even have to be in a relationship to use it. And should your employer enquire about this girlfriend of yours, just tell them that she wish for this issue to be kept private and confidential and you can only tell that much to them out of respect. I betcha they would never dare question anything else. Point to note, you ought to do a little research on where you can bring your `girlfriend' for abortion to further strengthen your excuse.
No. 2 - I am suffering from CRAMPS
Yet another superb excuse but unfortunately only the females have 100% rights to use it and should there be a guy attempting it, get a freaking pair of scissors and cut off his dam curse little brother. Not only employers but practically no one can argue about it. Besides, the topic itself is embarassing that nobody will challenge it, not in our typical Malaysian Culture definitely. I guess is one of those things than men like us will have absolutely no clue about and women can always sympathize with. However, dont over use it like other excuses and never use it to get sympathy; as to us MEN, it is an irritation to hear a girl whining about her cramps..
No. 1 - My Friend Had an Accident and is not Looking Good!!!
The Best of the Best...Most creative excuse I have ever encountered and although it was poorly acted but yet the two musketeers manage to get away with it. All it took for this two musketeers to get their half-day leaves was to tell their kind hearted boss that their best friend got into a `really bad' accident coupled with one of the musketeers electrifying, drowsy puppy eyes and another musketeer whose outer appearance seem so angelic and holy like; the boss instantly said yes...And off they go skipping happily to see their friend, the CINEMA TICKET COUNTER BOY...You have got to hand it to them to pull something so supposingly tragic with the slightest effort...Future employers, 2 lessons ought to be learn from this two musketeers...Firstly, never ever look into the employee's eyes when they are explaining something to you for you might just fall into their electrifying drowsy puppy eyes. Second, never ever judge a book by its cover..Now, I am adamant that you guys are curious to know who are this two amazingly `talented' musketeers
Well Guess what, Lets just leave it hanging here shall we.....Somethings are just best kept in the dark...A big thanks to the people who put so much effort into creating new excuses so as to attain a half-day leave approval...You guys know who you are !!! XOXO
You Know You Want To Know
Durwin Tan
Monday, October 13, 2008
Last Minute Johor!!
Just came back from a lovely superb road trip to Johor....Will update the pictures and post as soon as I get my Life reorganized once again.....Till than...
Durwin Tan
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
A tribute to my lovely biatch, Happy Birthday Girl !!
Besides the point, She FINALLY (after much pestering) spent the whole clan to a lovely wholesome dinner at a superb restaurant, Pantai Seafood in conjunction with her birthday celebration..I guess is enough with the chit chat, I shall let the pictures do the talking now...

Michelle and Rum
Carol, Durwin, Michelle & Rum
The Superb Groupie...Love ya peeps..

Dishes of the Night, the Prawn was exceptionally Amazing!!

Salted Egg Crab (Good Shit!!!)
Evidence of a Superb Dinner...Laughther
Pui Pui Ling
Teacher Sau Ping
Botak Samuel
Thank you so much people for the eventful night and I for one, am definitely looking forward for our upcoming last minute JB trip...With great friends like this, life for me is indeed great at the moment...Thanks again Queen Bitch Michelle for the dinner and do set up another `heng tai' night for more bitching sessions...
Loving my Friends more and more,
Durwin Tan
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Hail the King of Bullshit.....ME!!
Police: Boy, you tahu you buat apa salah tak??
Durwin: Tak tahu lar pakcik....Ini aku pun nak tanya pakcik...
Police: Adakah anda guna telefon bimbit tadi?
Durwin: Ya, saya ada guna
Police: Habis, kenapa you kata you tak tahu you buat apa salah..You guna telefon bimbit dalam kereta adalah satu kesalahan besar.
Durwin: Tapi pakcik, undang-undang kata tak boleh guna telefon bimbit semasa memandu..Saya sekarang bukan memandu, saya tengah tunggu traffic light...dahlah saya pull handbreak dan telah mengambil langkah-langkah keselamatan termasuk memakai seat-belt.
Police: You jangan main dengan saya..Abang lebih fasih dengan undang-undang sebab saya Polis.(Is obvious he just wants to pretend to issue the saman in hopes I would give some
donation so that he could buy some kuih raya) Anda telah melakukan kesalahan dan
abang sebagai polis perlu menjalankan tanggungjawab dan memberi saman. Faham?
Durwin: Kalau abang nak bagi saman atas sebab saya tak begitu fasih bahasa melayu dan telah
interpret salah undang-undang, terpaksalah saya ambik..(I seriously mention the above
sentence word by word, and thank god he didnt reply `Kalau you kata you tak tahu
bahasa melayu, impossible you tahu guna perkataan Fasih', as if he did mampuslah aku)
Amazingly, he just let me off with a short warning and told me that undang-undang say we are not allowed to use handphone in the car when you are a driver...So guys, it pays to bullshit once in a while and pls HAIL THE KING OF BULLSHIT....
You Know You Want to Know,
Durwin Tan
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Pictures Do paint a Thousand Words

Presenting As well, The Singapore God of Gambler

After Gambling
Business Plan 2007 - Champions

Cameron Highlands with `The Clan'

Poppy with Aunty Golda before she became an Immigrant of Msia..=(
Aunty Golda we miss you loads...Do come back soon and Party with us....
Superb Langkawi....with White Chick - Kok Wee aka Brittany and Yee Foong
The Nicest Looking Picture During the Trip....
For RM500 He will Stay Up All Night....Add Another 50 He might even use some of his cosmetics from his enormously huge cosmetic bag...Satisfaction and Pleasure Guaranteed or so he claims lar..
The Legendary Telaga Perut Buncit in Langkawi
Japan' amazingly superb Trip
Community Service Project with Rotaract Club of Ikeda, Japan
With the Beautiful Ladies of RAC Hong Kong
The After Party which was a Blast!!!
I am truly Sorry for the super duper long post......But this are some of the memories that still linger around me and it has certainly make me realise that life isnt as shitty as it seems after all...Although I have lost contact with some of my closes buddies may it be due to arguements or the time factor, i do sincerely hope one day I would be able to reconnect the lost bonds as Life is way too short and its a shame if we were not able to enjoy it to the fullest....
Emo Emo,
Durwin Tan