Wednesday, December 24, 2008

My 2008 Journey...

....was certainly a superbly challenging an exciting year for there was an unusal hell lots of incidents, some of which were really hurtful and some of which were really touching. One thing for sure, I did learn a lot from every single incident and promised myself never ever ever to repeat the same mistakes and to of course hopefully find a new partner in life for this coming year..=D

One thing that I have learned over 2008 is that i am an extremely extremely impatient person as i for one can never stand the sight of someone being late for appointments..Though at times it may not be necessarily be their fault but yet I am unable to accept any reasons for their late arrival..Point to note for this coming year, to try my very best to be really patient. Many people, I admit have been subjected to my amazingly superb fits of anger as they were being just another `Malaysian'...

Manage to hold on to my resolution of 2008 for the first half of the year which is to study hard and earn at least a few credit points to my degree. But as usual, good resolutions will never last, and by the end of the 2nd half, I was basically procastinating like hell and was basically holiday-ing twice each month. My konon determine resolution to continue blogging seems to be dissapearing as we speak as its has been about 2months since I last wrote something....XD

A point to ponder, Should I take up a job with Low Pay or should I just continue studying despite the fact that I am aging and jobs are becoming really hard to find due to the economic downturn....

My Life is really messed up,

1 comment:

Vishant said...

hang in there brother, things will work themselves out. Think them through and dont rush into anything.