Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Pictures Do paint a Thousand Words

Was busy ramaging through my messy folders in hopes of trying to stay organize and I happen to come across the pictures folder in which i have not open for ages....As I look through the contents, i begin to wonder, would I still be as close to this bunch of guys, the very people whom I gossip with, the people who laughed when I cried, or when the people I laughed at when they cry...Ahhh, life was indeed blissful with no worries or wutsoever and less shitty people to mess up my life...
First Up...The amazing Singapore with sexy-licious Adrianna, Kok Wee & Kim Boon

Presenting As well, The Singapore God of Gambler

Before Gambling

After Gambling

Business Plan 2007 - Champions

L to R: Giin Hoong, Si Lai Jason, Durwin

Cameron Highlands with `The Clan'

Drunkards of the Night...Look at pui ling especially....

Tong Yuen with Cubes of Gula Melaka inside it...Freaking Sweet

Poppy with Aunty Golda before she became an Immigrant of Msia..=(

Aunty Golda we miss you loads...Do come back soon and Party with us....

Superb Langkawi....with White Chick - Kok Wee aka Brittany and Yee Foong

Tiffany Tan and Brittany Yen =p

The Nicest Looking Picture During the Trip....

For RM500 He will Stay Up All Night....Add Another 50 He might even use some of his cosmetics from his enormously huge cosmetic bag...Satisfaction and Pleasure Guaranteed or so he claims lar..

The Legendary Telaga Perut Buncit in Langkawi

Japan'08...an amazingly superb Trip

Kitai, Ayuko and Durwin at a Temple in Kyoto

Community Service Project with Rotaract Club of Ikeda, Japan

With the Beautiful Ladies of RAC Hong Kong

The After Party which was a Blast!!!

I am truly Sorry for the super duper long post......But this are some of the memories that still linger around me and it has certainly make me realise that life isnt as shitty as it seems after all...Although I have lost contact with some of my closes buddies may it be due to arguements or the time factor, i do sincerely hope one day I would be able to reconnect the lost bonds as Life is way too short and its a shame if we were not able to enjoy it to the fullest....

Emo Emo,

Durwin Tan

Monday, September 22, 2008

My one and Only....

I did it again..I lost my one and only hope of reorganizing myself...

Everything that I have planned for the year is gone....What on earth was I thinking...

My companion of 8 months, My private secretary of 8 months...

Sigh, I lost my one and Only Organizer....Should anyone come across a HP Organizer filled with god knows how many papers pls pls do ring me up....

I am completely utterly naked without it (T_T) so pls pls do return it...

A Shopacholic to go holiday-ing....XD
Any Sampat kaki who is bored and just wants to go crazy??...Do hook me Up..
I am die-ing to go for a trip as this month especially has nothing but been really stressful, even the acne are starting to pop out yet again...
A lot has indeed happen over the pass few months, some of it which are happy moments and some which are indeed dissapointing....I burst at a number of people and got screwed over by many as well...
Thus, I am really looking forward to this holiday to destress and unwind and perhaps mend some broken bonds as well....

Pathethically Desperate,

Durwin Tan

Sunday, September 21, 2008

MC'D - More Value For Money

Thought that i ought to share this lil info that i accidentally bump into...For those nugget-die hard fans out there, you only have to pay an extra RM0.15 for extra 2 Nuggets...Allow me to explain...The current price in the Mc Donals ala-carte menu for a 6 piece nugget is RM5.85 in which after tax you would have to pay RM6.15..The price for a 4-piece nugget is RM3.00, and if u were to order 2 sets of 4 piece nugget which is equivalent to 8 pieces of god damn Nuggets, you would only pay a mere RM6.30 AFTER tax....

You Know You Want To Know....Signing Off

Durwin Tan

Sunday, September 14, 2008

A Garden Affair Preparation (Part 1)

This post would be sort of a fresh start after taking an amazingly long time off from blogging and I swore to keep this going (hopefully) for at least a year..Decided to pick up this lil habit yet again as i thought it would be a great avenue to update everyone on the recent happenings in my life and as well as the outside world..

First up in the list, would be my club's installation night on the 13th Sep 2008 in which all BOD and members of the Rotaract Club of TBS will be installed. The theme for the night is A Garden Affair in which after much searching (took us about 2 weeks), we managed to get hold of a place called `The Hideaway' to hold our event. Will like to specially thank the ever big-booby Jamie for her superb recommendation =p

Hideaway (Before Setting Up)

Hideaway (After Table Setting Up)

As the installation is held the day right after our exams, everything was in a complete mess with souvenir books not yet printed, lucky draw prizes not wrap and etc. Thankfully for me, i had a bunch of amazingly committed members (Ming Kee and Michelle as OCP, current and old members of the club who came back just to help out), my fellow si lai lai (Jason) who surprisingly agreed to take time off to work his two damn finger's muscels to help out with the performance, Edwin and his dear Jamie for all their efforts in helping out with the organizning of the event, and not forgetting the Calendar Girls (Sexy + Lustful Adrian Teo Aik Hong, Boobylicious Raqib and Curvacious Kian Loong).

Do allow me to give a big round of applause to the Calendar Girls for them being such a sport and also for their commitment to the performance...Hey, it taks hell lotsa of balls to not only dance like a slut from some cheap bar off Jln Chow Kit but to also do it fully dressed as well. They were so into each of their characther that Raqib and Adrian even demanded they be given a bra so as to support their humungous boobs...I guess the performance kinda allowed them to explore their other hidden side...XD To whoever that claim that Kian Loong or Adrian Can't dance for nuts, you MUST watch the video which i will post later on to catch a glimpse of future stars in the making...XD

Ming Kee and Durwin Cam-Whoring while Kian Loong Flexes his Muscle

Booby Jamie, Durwin, Edwin, Si Lai Jason

OCP Michelle, Durwin, OCP Ming Kee cam-whoring when they are suppose to be working

Ming Kee Looking extremely Concern on What's Going on that time...

Presenting The Calendar Girls........

Raqib and Adrian Trying to Enter into their character(and DAMN they are looking good in it)

Sexy Adrianna Teo in his Element

(He demanded I post up this pic as a sign of Appreciation)

Okie, I LIED.....But 3 Cheers for him though!!

Guys once again, thank you so so very much for everything that you have done and I certainly look forward to working and going crazy with you guys again...Love ya....

Sugary High ,

Durwin Tan