Being somewhat `stress' over exams and having so much time to procrastinate, I figured that a good last minute trip will do my pathetically small brain some good before attempting to memorizing 32 bloody long essays for my exam....And it was that very moment, I came across Carol's photo album on facebook showing photos taken from a particular Hot Spring in Sungai Klah...Without further hesitation, the first number i dialled was Pui Pui Ling as she is undoubtedly the spontaneous queen (there was never a need to wait for confirmation as it she gives a YES or NO) and of course Teacher Sau Ping for she claims that is just too bloody free XD...and finally there was ex-MIA Samuel whom surprisingly to me came along...The journey there took us about one and a half hour and through out the entire journey we keep on telling each other and believing that it will never rain although the sky was really really DARK..and of course it bloody rain, so much for the much acclaimed `Law of Attraction in SECRETS'....Lucky for us the rain did subside a little and it was bearable in a sense..
To be honest, there isnt much to do there except for boiling eggs, walking through the konon foot therapy path which hurts so badly and of course renting a private jacuzzi as is kinda sucky to share the same hot bath with other ppl...However, credits would have to be given to this hot springs as it is quite well maintained in a sense and there isnt any pungent smell of sulphur unlike other hot springs...
Durwin, Teacher Jasmine, Samuel at Sungai Klah
The Ladies soaking their legs at one of the smaller pools
Boiling Egg!!Our Private Jacuzzi !!...RM50 so Well Worth IT
Pui Pui and Durwin relaxing for our final paper on Wednesday!!
The nicely decorated interior of our jacuzzi
Overall, this place is definitely worth going just to chill and relax...Eggs are being sold there as well and the price is quite reasonable (3 for RM1)....According to Pui Pui Ling, her exam went well and so did mine...Miracles of the Hot Springs of Sungai Klah??...Maybe, Who knows...
You Know You Want to Know,
Durwin Tan